Results for 'Henning Friis Poulsen'

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  1.  26
    Generalized balanced power diagrams for 3D representations of polycrystals.Andreas Alpers, Andreas Brieden, Peter Gritzmann, Allan Lyckegaard & Henning Friis Poulsen - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (9):1016-1028.
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    Dialektische Untersuchungen: philosophica et philologica minora: für Henning Ritter: Alexandre Kojève, George Lichtheim, Noam Chomsky, u.a.Henning Ritter & Stefan Dornuf (eds.) - 2012 - München: Müller & Nerding Verlag.
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  3. Metaphysics and Time.Jan Kyrre Berg O. Friis - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2).
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  4. Platons filosofi.K. Friis Johansen - 1966 - [København]: Gad.
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    Rosenthal, Jesse. Good Form. The Ethical Experience of the Victorian Novel: Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. 2017. Hardback: pp. 256.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (2):457-459.
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  6. The Philosophy of Technology.Jan Kyrre Berg O. Friis - 2010 - In Duncan Pritchard, Oxford Bibliographies Online: Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
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    Introduction.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–3.
    This chapter contains sections titled: History of Technology Technology and Science Technology and Philosophy Technology and Environment Technology and Politics Technology and Ethics Technology and the Future.
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    Hennings' Odyssee.P. D. Ch Hennings & T. W. Allen - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (01):70-.
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    Technoscience and Postphenomenology: The Manhattan Papers.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis (ed.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    Friis and Crease illustrate the diversity of content and styles in postphenomenology, a burgeoning field that has attracted attention among scholars engaged in technology studies. Contributors to this edited collection seek to analyze, clarify, and develop postphenomenological language and concepts, expand the work of Don Ihde, the field's founder, and delve into areas that Ihde never tackled.
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  10. Interpretation and Medical Technologies.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis - 2022 - In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Ian Heywood and Barry Sandywell (eds.). Interpreting Visual Culture. Explorations in the Hermeneutics of the Visual.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2369-2373.
  12. The Concept of Nature in Democritus.K. Friis Johansen - 1986 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 23:148-167.
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  13. Studier over Platons Parmenides i dens forhold til tidligere platoniske dialoger.Friis Johansen & Karsten[From Old Catalog] - 1964 - København,: Munksgaard.
  14. A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.) - 2012 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The essays both represent a variety of epistemological approaches, including those of the humanities, social studies, natural science, sociology, psychology, ...
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    Ethik in der Politik: Henning Schwarz zum Gedenken.Henning Schwarz, Walter Bernhardt & Hans Hattenhauer (eds.) - 1994 - Kiel: Schmidt & Klaunig.
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    Gestalt descriptions embodiments and medical image interpretation.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (2):209-218.
    In this paper I will argue that medical specialists interpret and diagnose through technological mediations like X-ray and fMRI images, and by actualizing embodied skills tacitly they are determining the identity of objects in the perceptual field. The initial phase of human interpretation of visual objects takes place during the moments of visual perception before we are consciously aware of the perceived. What facilitate this innate ability to interpret are experiences, learning and training that become humanly embodied skills. These embodied (...)
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  17. Interpreting the Visual.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis - forthcoming - Philosophy and Technology.
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    Work stress and job satisfaction in hospital-based home care.Barbro Beck-Friis, Peter Strang & Per-Olof Sjöden - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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    Vallor, Shannon. Technology and the Virtues: a Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting: Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. Hardback: € 31,99. pp. 309.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):669-670.
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    Embarkation for Abdera: Historicization in Nietzsche’s Second Untimely Meditation.Henning Trüper - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (1):55.
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  21. Argumentieren lernen. Aufgaben für den Philosophie- und Ethikunterricht.Henning Franzen, Anne Burkard & David Löwenstein (eds.) - 2023 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
    Erarbeitet von Dominik Balg, Anne Burkard, Henning Franzen, Aenna Frottier, David Lanius, David Löwenstein, Hanna Lucks, Kirsten Meyer, Donata Romizi, Katharina Schulz, Stefanie Thiele und Annett Wienmeister. -/- Die Entwicklung argumentativer Fähigkeiten ist ein zentrales Ziel des Ethik- und Philosophieunterrichts, ja überhaupt ein zentrales Bildungsziel. Wie aber kann das gelingen? In vielen verfügbaren Unterrichtsmaterialien werden argumentative Fähigkeiten eher vorausgesetzt als systematisch gefördert. Auch curriculare Vorgaben bleiben zumeist sehr unspezifisch. Lehrpersonen werden so weitgehend allein gelassen mit der Aufgabe, Lernende beim (...)
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  22. Measure and the Measureless.Jan Kyrre Berg Friis - forthcoming - Philosophy and Technology.
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    (1 other version)Bringing Wreck.Tempest Henning - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Tempest Henning ABSTRACT: This paper critically examines non-adversarial feminist argumentation model specifically within the scope of politeness norms and cultural communicative practices. Asserting women typically have a particular mode of arguing which is often seen as ‘weak’ or docile within male dominated fields, the model argues that the feminine mode of arguing is actually more...
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  24.  12
    Sach- und Personenindex.Henning Hahn - 2017 - In Politischer Kosmopolitismus: Praktikabilität, Verantwortung, Menschenrechte. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 253-256.
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    (1 other version)Theorie und Modell in der naturwissenschaft.Henning Müller - 1958 - Kant Studien 50 (1-4):5-17.
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    Sprünge der Differenz: Literatur und Philosophie bei Deleuze.Henning Teschke - 2008 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz.
  27. An epistemic modal norm of practical reasoning.Tim Henning - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6665-6686.
    When are you in a position to rely on p in practical reasoning? Existing accounts say that you must know that p, or be in a position to know that p, or be justified in believing that p, or be in a position to justifiably believe it, and so on. This paper argues that all of these proposals face important problems, which I call the Problems of Negative Bootstrapping and of Level Confusions. I offer a diagnosis of these problems, and (...)
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  28. From Choice to Chance? Saving People, Fairness, and Lotteries.Tim Henning - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (2):169-206.
    Many authors in ethics, economics, and political science endorse the Lottery Requirement, that is, the following thesis: where different parties have equal moral claims to one indivisible good, it is morally obligatory to let a fair lottery decide which party is to receive the good. This article defends skepticism about the Lottery Requirement. It distinguishes three broad strategies of defending such a requirement: the surrogate satisfaction account, the procedural account, and the ideal consent account, and argues that none of these (...)
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    Enactive hermeneutics and smart medical technologies.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2141-2149.
    Embodied cognition is an interpretative—or hermeneutical—cognition inherent in motor-sensory perception intrinsically informed by biological and sociocultural memory, a cognition embedded in the organism as well as the socio-cultural environment interacting with it (Ward et al. TOPOI 36:365–375, 2017), of which technologies are a part. Yet, smart machines are advancing on human abilities to perceive and interpret concerning the accuracy, quantity, and quality of the data processed. Machines process and categorize images, perform classification tasks, they calculate and perform pattern analysis, all (...)
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    Kierkegaard, the Myths and Their Origins: Studies in the Kierkegaardian Papers and Letters.Henning Fenger - 1980 - Yale University Press.
  31.  85
    “I Said What I Said”—Black Women and Argumentative Politeness Norms.Tempest Henning - 2021 - Informal Logic 41 (1):17-39.
    This paper seeks to complicate two primary norms within argumentation theory: 1) engaging with one’s interlocutors in a ‘pleasant’ tone and 2) speaking directly to one’s target audience/interlocutor. Moreover, I urge argumentation theorists to explore various cultures’ argumentative norms and practices when attempting to formulate more universal theories regarding argumentation. Ultimately, I aim to show that the two previously mentioned norms within argumentation obscure and misrepresent many argumentative practices within African American Vernacular English—or Ebonics, specifically the art of signifying.
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    “Don’t Let Your Mouth”: On Argumentative Smothering Within Academia.Tempest M. Henning - 2021 - Topoi 40 (5):913-924.
    Despite non/minimal adversarial feminist argumentation models heavily critiquing rude, hostile, uncooperative argumentative practices, I argue that these models slip easily into instances of ‘white talk’ when white individuals are engaged with BIPOC on matters concerning racial injustices. While these models address overt aggression, a more nuanced modification is needed for the models to handle cases of white passive aggressive argumentative tactics. Moreover, I also argue that given the language and argumentative ideology within academia, ‘white talk’ cannot be addressed by BIPOC (...)
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    Bas de Boer, How scientific instruments speak. Postphenomenology and technological mediations in neuroscientific practice. Lexington books: the Rowman & Littlefield publishing group, Inc., 2020. 211 pages. ISBN 978-1-7936-2784-1 and 978-1-7936-2785-8 (electronic). [REVIEW]Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2381-2383.
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    Governing Corporate Social Responsibility: An Assessment of the Contribution of the UN Global Compact to CSR Strategies in the Telecommunications Industry.Hens Runhaar & Helene Lafferty - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):479-495.
    CSR has become an important element in the business strategy of a growing number of companies worldwide. A large number of initiatives have been developed that aim to support companies in developing, implementing, and communicating about CSR. The Global Compact (GC), initiated by the United Nations, stands out. Since its launch in 2000, it has grown to about 2900 companies and 3800 members in total. The GC combines several mechanisms to support CSR strategies: normative principles, networks for learning and co-operation, (...)
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  35. Numbers without aggregation.Tim Henning - 2023 - Noûs (3):755-777.
    Suppose we can save either a larger group of persons or a distinct, smaller group from some harm. Many people think that, all else equal, we ought to save the greater number. This article defends this view (with qualifications). But unlike earlier theories, it does not rely on the idea that several people's interests or claims receive greater aggregate weight. The argument starts from the idea that due to their stakes, the affected people have claims to have a say in (...)
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  36. Variantangivelser i en dansk produktionsordbog ud fra eksempler med fleksionsangivelser i Retskrivningsordbogen.Henning Bergenholtz - 1998 - Hermes 21:95-119.
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    A history of ancient philosophy: from the beginnings to Augustine.K. Friis Johansen - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    This book discusses key philosophical concepts and ideologies, including ontology, epistemology, logic, semantics, moral and political philosophy, theology and aesthetics during classical antiquity. Karsten Friis Johansen charts the history of ancient philosophy from the mythological oral tradition, Homer and early tragedy, to the giants of Plato and Aristotle through to paganism and the genesis of Christianity. A History of Ancient Philosophy also presents detailed analysis of individual ancient philosophers and interpretations and commentary on key philosophical passages.
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  38. The global consequence of participatory responsibility.Henning Hahn - 2009 - Journal of Global Ethics 5 (1):43 – 56.
    The aim of this article is to introduce and defend a revised conception of responsibility - namely, participatory responsibility. It starts from the insight that some pressing problems of global injustice render our common conception of responsibility useless. As an alternative the author mainly discusses Iris Marion Young's social connection model of responsibility. However, Young's approach becomes unconvincing in addressing and weighing specific duties. The author therefore adds a basic rights approach to her conception and argues that mere participation in (...)
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    Book Symposium on Robert P. Crease’s World in the Balance: the Historic Quest for an Absolute System of Measurement: W. W. Norton & Company, 2011. [REVIEW]Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis, Robert C. Scharff, Donn Welton & Robert P. Crease - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (2):227-246.
  40. The ethics of autism.Kristien Hens, Ingrid Robeyns & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 14 (1):e12559.
    The diagnosis of autism is on the rise. Autistic people, parents, professionals, and policy makers alike face important questions about the right approach toward autism. For example, there are questions about the desirability of early detection, the role and consequences of underlying cognitive theories, and whether autism is a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected. How does the fact that autism is a heterogeneous concept affect the answers to these questions? Who has the authority or knowledge (...)
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    The Ethics of Creativity: Beauty, Morality, and Nature in a Processive Cosmos.Brian G. Henning - 2005 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    A central concern of nearly every environmental ethic is its desire to extend the scope of direct moral concern beyond human beings to plants, nonhuman animals, and the systems of which they are a part. Although nearly all environmental philosophies have long since rejected modernity’s conception of individuals as isolated and independent substances, few have replaced this worldview with an alternative that is adequate to the organic, processive world in which we find ourselves. In this context, Brian G. Henning (...)
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  42.  18
    A History of Ancient Philosophy: From the Beginning to Augustine.Karsten Friis Johansen - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Translated by Henrik Rosenmeier, _A History of Ancient Philosophy_ charts the origins and development of ancient philosophical thought. For easy reference, the book is divided chronologically into six main parts. The sections are further divided into philosophers and philosophical movements: *Pre-Socratic Philosophy, including mythology, the Pythagoreans and Parmenides *The Great Century of Athens, including the Sophists and Socrates *Plato, including The Republic, The Symposium and The Timaeus *Aristotle, including The Physics, The Metaphysics and The Poetics *Hellenistic Philosophy, including the Sceptics, (...)
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  43. A new perspective on the access process.Henning Bergenholtz & Rufus Gouws - 2010 - Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies 44:103-127.
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  44. Sprogpolitik: So ein Ding müssen wir auch haben.Henning Bergenholtz, Jonna Bisgaard, Majken Brunsborg & Kamilla Kvist Kwichmann - 2003 - Hermes 31:135-165.
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    Inventaire du fonds Philippe Vandermaelen conservé à la Bibliothèque Royale Albert IerLiliane Wellens-de Donder.Herman Friis - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):125-125.
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    New waves in philosophy of technology.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Evan Selinger & Søren Riis (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The volume advances research in the philosophy of technology by introducing contributors who have an acute sense of how to get beyond or reframe the epistemic, ontological and normative limitations that currently limit the fields of philosophy of technology and science and technology studies.
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    Vertragstheorien in der politischen Philosophie der Neuzeit.Henning Ottmann - 2011 - München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kommission beim Verlag C.H. Beck München.
  48.  8
    Productive Tensions of Corporate Pride Partnerships: Towards a Relational Ethics of Constitutive Impurity.Jannick Friis Christensen, Sine N. Just & Stefan Schwarzkopf - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Based on a qualitative study of Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride, this article explores collaboration between the local organiser and its corporate partners, focusing on the tensions involved in this collaboration, which emerge from and uphold relations between the extremes of unethical pinkwashing, on the one hand, and ethical purity, on the other. Here, pinkwashing is understood as a looming risk, and purity as an unrealizable ideal. As such, corporate sponsorships of Pride are conceptualized as inherently impure—and productive because of their very (...)
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    Not Quite Equal Odds: Openness to Experience Moderates the Relation Between Quantity and Quality of Ideas in Divergent Production.Morten Friis-Olivarius & Bo T. Christensen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    2. Die selbstachtungsfunktionale Gerechtigkeitstheorie im Grundriss.Henning Hahn - 2008 - In Moralische Selbstachtungmoral Self-Respect: On the Foundation of a Social-Liberal Theory of Justice: Zur Grundfigur Einer Sozialliberalen Gerechtigkeitstheorie. Walter de Gruyter.
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